Grietje Bokkes van der PLOEG, born on 04-08-1839 in Vrouwenparochie, daughter of Bokke Watzes van der PLOEG and Tjitske Reinders BORGER.
Married (1) at the age of 28 on 14-05-1868 in Het Bildt to Anne Heins STAP, 23 years old.
Married (2) at the age of 31 on 12-01-1871 in Het Bildt to Dirk Wybes WIERSMA, born ca.1840 in Betterwird (westdong.).
From the first marriage:
Hein, born on 23-11-1869 in Sint Jacobiparochie, died on 15-12-1869 in Sint Jacobiparochie, 22 days old.
From the second marriage:
Aaltje, born on 13-04-1872 in Sint Jacobiparochie, died on 08-07-1872 in Sint Jacobiparochie, 86 days old.
Reinder, born on 23-06-1877 in Vrouwenparochie, died on 12-07-1877 in Vrouwenparochie, 19 days old.